Doctor: Miss his father has cancer of the ass ...
Me: No that is my mother
Doctor: No Miss
... I told his father: he has cancer of the ass and not my mother? ... Azz
Me: Dad do not worry everything will be fine .. for cancer today are miracles ... Mom is that there is nothing to do ...
Dad: ... ... hope in metastases
Dad: Wow, now that I have to learn me a shower prior to surgery and I have no phone. E ' inconceivable. I have to stay with her hair wet ... Mamma
Mother: Cristina, I went to ask a hairdryer in the other rooms but we are here to oncology ... they all do the chemo ... are all peeled!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wrestling Stamp Crafts
Loneliness of the distant lighthouse
I feel so, like a beacon in the storm
lapped by the waves lapping of the waves in the foundations of the worn sense;
violence is still violence, but what a lighthouse without the painful embrace of the sea?
The solitude of the island is quite a different thing.
A lighthouse is not a destination for anyone,
points the way to the sailors who pass,
that sigh of relief because the current of his life did not overwhelmed,
because the earth is near.
The journey of anyone here what they are
and I can not tell if the end comes when the lights go out or when you get lost in the waters.
I feel so, like a beacon in the storm
lapped by the waves lapping of the waves in the foundations of the worn sense;
violence is still violence, but what a lighthouse without the painful embrace of the sea?
The solitude of the island is quite a different thing.
A lighthouse is not a destination for anyone,
points the way to the sailors who pass,
that sigh of relief because the current of his life did not overwhelmed,
because the earth is near.
The journey of anyone here what they are
and I can not tell if the end comes when the lights go out or when you get lost in the waters.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Create My Color Boobies Bracelet
Man is an invisible book of case histories
, (to read the article in its entirety go to
I guarantee the reader that this is not science fiction or an article nor New Age, but an article of depth psychology, whose author is not suffering from delusional psychosis, is sober and has a scientific background of all respect. Only that, as crazy, this statement may seem absurd or risky, the truth is that all of us, men and women who inhabit this planet, we are essentially invisible to each other. But this is not a metaphor, allegory, or an image rhetoric, but a fact. An incontestable fact, although very little evidence - admittedly - the ultimate nature of reality.
But let us proceed with order, and verify the reliability of my statement.
, (to read the article in its entirety go to and look for articles )
Friday, September 17, 2010
Black And White 16th Party Invitations
Why tell stories of pain and suffering? Why divulge intimate secrets and cruel forces that we all strive to conceal, often even to ourselves? Why expose wounds, betrayal, lack of love, selfishness, violence suffered or perpetrated? Why reveal "the human, all too human" and make the invisible visible?
The general answer that there is a real tradition in this regard and that many psychoanalysts - driven by academic and literary impulses - often disclosed the "stories" as they may seem more significant, I had never be satisfied. Therefore, before creating this column, I asked myself the question again and the answer that I gave at the end, has been twofold: there was certainly my pleasure to write and tell. And, perhaps, even a barely concealed frustration of the desire to devote myself full time to this pleasure ... But above all, was the desire to share with all the sensitive people wonder, wonder or emotion from which I am often caught in the exercise of my profession. When I became a therapist, in fact, and looked out for the first time in the world of the human soul, I found unusual landscapes, perplexing, fascinating and terrifying at the same time. As I was bewitched. It was then that I promised myself that I would stop exercise as soon as I finished to amaze me. It's been 35 years but the wonder has not stopped drag me away, almost every day: every time a man or a woman judging me worthy of being a witness of their most intimate history. Because every time, despite the long years of activity, despite the repetitive always the same psychological dynamics, whenever I am surprised by the unpredictability and originality with which they lived in private grounds unfold to any single individual. And then, what sorrow! How many titanic efforts! How dare! Lavished much love and much love ... wasted
I do not watch television and read the newspapers recently. The reason why I have no interest in anything beyond easy platitudes of many, the real reason is that I'm now addicted to a vision of human reality so profound that everything else in comparison seems shallow, naive and very silly. Poor thing compared to the intensity and violence of the forces that depending on individual destinies and whose eccentricity still amazes me and touches me.
For everything you want to read this book as a generous gift that unknown men and women, through me, wanted to leave. Their personal information - such as gender, age, names, occupations - all have been altered by me to protect their identities, but the stories are absolutely true. If anything, certain psychodynamic mechanisms may seem less extraordinary and incredible as it really occurred. But I can assure you that the liability is due, in part, all'artefazione biographical data and the need for extreme synthesis, in which every time I have compelled the events of a lifetime, and in part instead of my incompetence. I apologize. But at this point it is only right to acknowledge that as an amateur writer like myself can be force, could hardly compete with the wisdom, originality and accuracy with which life embroiders the destiny of every human being sull'ordito the world. However, I still hope that what I will endeavor to bring in some ways, may nevertheless fail to intrigue and stimulate. Why read these stories, for many people, it might be a unique opportunity to understand that their personal affairs are not so unusual, outrageous or perverse as perhaps they always believed, but only slightly different from those of many others. And though many of these "others" were able to overcome its difficulties, it is said that one day they too can not exceed your own.
Demand hidden
Demand hidden
All students who pass their resistant decide to consult a therapist, usually arrive at the first hour with a precise question. However, the question with which usually is difficult is the authentic one. The deep question, the real one, the agonizing question that cries out urgently and requesting to be heard and resolved, it is almost always hidden in the depths of their unconscious and needs a lot of patience on the part of a therapist to be able to bring it out.
When Dr. John Smith, 49, an orthopedic surgeon in one of several hospitals in Rome, came to my office, had already lived two years separated from his wife. A woman who, after she betrayed him repeatedly during the 22 years of marriage, she had finally left to go live with a man much older than she, vulgar and violent. A man - ex-husband told her the same with long phone calls and mail pathetic - which certainly did not feel in love but, rather, irresistibly attracted. A man petty and cruel, however, seemed to hold in a kind of spell from which she could not shake.
So when Dr. Rossi sat on the armchair in my study and was exposed only briefly in this situation, their problem, his first question was:
- What can I do to help my wife? I love her a lot ... At that point, if I were sure that it is now very happy, I gladly would pull aside. But do not believe that she is happy. What can I do? How can I make them understand that, in addition to ruining our marriage, Mary is especially ruining their future life? In
Indeed, Dr. John Doe, sitting in front of me, at least in the first hour, showed no resentment, jealousy or any desire for revenge ... just a huge, endless pain. I really wanted to be helped to help his wife? I really just wanted the happiness of the woman and was ready to sacrifice their feelings? It seemed unlikely.
We agreed, however, to begin a process psychotherapy. During the first four or five sessions later I got to know its past history and find out the secret question that was stirring in his soul and led him into my office.
Mario was the first son of a wealthy Roman couple who, however, after it had not seemed too eager to experience more parenting. So it was only an "accident" that love, suddenly, when Mario was already seven years now, he was announced the arrival of a sister. The child, however, was carefully prepared in the event and asked to be a loving and responsible to the woman who would soon be reached.
Childbirth, according to the memories of my patient, was completely normal, and the sister went to the world healthy, lively and beautiful, and Mario's parents, after all, seemed happy to roll up their sleeves and start all over again, with pacifiers, lullabies, bottles and dirty diapers.
The girl, however, from the very beginning, showed a significant difficulty adjusting: he slept little, often cried and got sick of all kinds. At home he had never quiet. The years passed, the small but growing things did not change: a kind of morbid sensibility seemed to haunt her, preventing her from practicing living with the weight that should always characterize childhood.
Family life, however, proceeded.
When Mario had just turned 15 years old and attended the first school, a great loss fell on the family within a few months, the mother died of leukemia. And his little sister, who was only 8 and - as we have seen - Manifesting a character already very unstable, following the event visibly worsened. Mario, while attending school and is always among the first class, was made in four of the sister but was unable to reassure her that much. After some years his father, unable, or perhaps unable to take care of in the manner and time that she would serve, he thought well to put it into a college. It was in this environment that he developed the destiny of the tormented and troubled sister of Mario, daring escapes, disciplinary punishments. Provocative acts and rebels, other drastic punishment. Still Leak ... more and more severe punishments, in an escalation that did not seem to ever more finish. Mario, while continuing to study, was in despair about the fate of his sister and tried so with frequent phone calls, and continue to make her feel his closeness.
more years passed. Mario enrolled and attended medical school. The sister came out of college, he attended art school and - still young - he threw himself into a dissolute life of drugs and early sexual relations of any kind. The relationship between the two brothers, however, was very strong.
Mario had just turned 26 years old when he managed to specialize in orthopedics.
"Now, finally, I have more time to devote to my sister - she thought Mario on that occasion - Things settle down and she will find its way "
You could say that she had not time even to think of it: the young, after participating in a wild rave, died suddenly of a heroin overdose. The shock to Mario, it was terrible. Perhaps worse than that experienced the death of his mother.
Life, however, must always continue. Anyway. In one way or another ... After a couple of years and the promising young doctor met a freelance journalist ... enterprising, nonconformist and ... very nice. It was love. After a short married. For a bit 'of time they lived happily ever after. The young journalist he made a niche in the world of sport, business, began to travel throughout Italy. Sometimes it was away for two or three days ... but Mario soon began to suspect that those absences were not so innocent. Or at least not alone. Within a few years became suspicious certainty: his wife was cheating on him. Repeatedly. With more than men. Thus began the ordeal of the new Mario: to bring back his wife on the right path. Putting aside their pride, their jealousy, their anger ... trying in every possible way to help his young wife to find a dimension of authenticity and possible happiness. So they lived for more than ten years, until the day in which the woman found a man whose attitude, in some mysterious way, it fits with her neurosis, causing them to leave her husband and follow him to a different fate.
When Dr. Smith came to this point in his story, looked at me in silence for a few minutes ... Then, his eyes wet with tears ill detained, I asked
- Do you think I should feel guilty for the death My sister, right? And through the story with my wife, whose neurosis, in some ways, reminiscent of my sister, I'm walking a same experience of salvation ... maybe not looking for a ransom?
Her face was a mask of pain. Pain in the pure state.
- Yes - I said touched - this is exactly what I suspected.
- I believe doctor? Until a few moments ago I would not have even imagined such a thing.
- I'm sure, do not worry. Otherwise she would not be here today.
was in this way that Dr. Smith saw the emergence of all its real question spontaneously from the depths of the soul are perhaps guilty of the death of my sister? I could help more than it did? And if not, is right for me to leave my ex-wife to his fate after all that I have endured and done for her but never received any recognition?
At this point, promised his analysis very well: the hardest part (the real detachment from his wife and a chance to begin a new life) was yet to be developed. But the biggest obstacle, as represented by the growing awareness of the unconscious reasons that until that moment affected him deeply, had been exceeded.
was enough to hope!
What Size Stirrups Should I Get
Handbook for their lives ... Psychic
seems incredible era of faster, more extensive and comprehensive information possible, made available to anyone who wanted it, are very few people who could claim to know the difference between areas operating of psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. Or the deep differences that exist between many of these "tools" that only the therapeutic etymology of the name of the first component (Psyké) makes similar. Yet, if not of all men or all of the modern women, although this should be a specific interest if only for those who want to enjoy a "treat" psychological. But a careful examination of the reality is that things is not the case, and that many people, even in the utmost good faith, often rely blindly on therapists of which they know neither the training nor, especially, the conditions of their cognitive training .
I think so! The era of confidence in the "role" has been eclipsed by a beautiful piece, and as well as being natural mothers or fathers can not guarantee the ability to adequately fulfill their duties, as well as being teachers or professors does not certify the ability to educate young people, as well as membership to a same gender, male or female, does not reveal much for ability to be men or women, so much more to be psychologists or psychotherapists - now more than ever - does not tell anything equilibrium psychic reached, the assumptions of cognitive learned during their training or the "mastery art "required to pull their own kind by the difficulties in which they pay.
Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bthis small compendium that can serve as a "travel guide" to intrepid Argonauts who still want to believe and hope to win the "Golden Fleece" (an archaic term with which it was given the Interior and Design Health of the Soul). The
neurology is the branch of medicine that studies diseases regarding the CNS / Central Nervous System (brain , cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord ) System Peripheral Somatic ( roots and dorsal root ganglia, plexus and nerve trunks the ) and SNA / System Peripheral Nervous Autonomic (parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia , plexus extraviscerali and intraviscerali ). Until the seventies Italy in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system included in a single "body" is the disease of the mind that the disease "organic", for which the discipline professed was then called " neuropsychiatry. Also thanks to the reform inspired by Franco Basaglia , the two areas were divided, scientifically, clinically and educationally, in neurology and psychiatry . The real field of neurology would therefore be represented by organic disease of the central and peripheral nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis or ALS. The
psychiatry is the branch of specialist medicine that deals with the prevention of care and rehabilitation of mental disorders , from the standpoint of theory and practice. It is defined as a "discipline of synthesis" as the preservation and the pursuit of mental health , which is the fundamental goal of psychiatry, is obtained by taking into account different areas: medical and pharmacological, psychological, sociological, political, legal . Psychiatry is a medical practice focused mainly use of drugs, using accessory methods otherwise typical of psychology, which instead is the discipline that studies the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. Psychiatry is also distinguished from psychology for the different studies. In fact, wanting to be strict, a psychiatrist who wanted to use psychoanalytic techniques, it should first overcome a specific analytic training, and not "improvise" as is, unfortunately, often happens in our beautiful country. The
psychology is the science that studies the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. This study concerns only way approximate the internal dynamics of 'individual (which are attributable to the psychoanalysis), and in detail the relationships between the individual el ' environment, the human behavior and mental processes that exist between sensory stimuli and responses. Currently, the psychology is a discipline composite, whose methods of research ranging from strictly experimental (laboratory or field) to more ethnographically oriented (eg: some approaches cultural psychology ), from a strictly individual dimension (eg, psychophysical studies , psychotherapy individual, etc..), Methods with greater attention to social and group (for example: the study of the psychological dynamics in organizations, the psychology of work employing the so-called "focus groups", etc. ..) This diversity of approaches has produced an articulation of psychological subdisciplines, with different matrices epistemological - cultural reference. The
psychoanalysis (from psyche, soul , most commonly "mind" and -analysis: analysis of the mind) is the theory of 'unconscious up which they are based psychotherapy practice and discipline, and that was started by the work of Sigmund Freud . First, it is a theory of the unconscious . Investigation of human mental activity, it is aimed primarily at those who live psychic phenomena outside of consciousness. Is therefore implemented the concept of unconscious , already introduced in the theoretical reflection Descartes, Locke and Leibniz, Freud and reworked from a descriptive point of view and based on its topical experiences with Jean-Martin Charcot . Second, psychoanalysis is a therapeutic practice . They would therefore be entitled to appeal "psychoanalytic" only those treatments based on the unconscious dynamics and analysis of transference such as classical psychoanalysis is Freud's depth psychology of Jung, Reich Bioenergetics or that of Lowen, the Frankl's Logotherapy and many more. The
psychotherapy is much more recent and, often, the origins of trans-oceanic (USA). It deals with the treatment of psychopathological disorders of varying severity ranging from slight mismatch deep alienation and symptoms may occur in neurotic or psychotic detrimental to the welfare of a person up to prevent its development leading to effective disability; to this end uses application techniques of psychology specification from which it takes: cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychotherapy gelstat, transactional psychotherapy, brief psychotherapy strategic , etc.. In Italy, psychoanalysis has been sent back to a little 'forced into psychotherapy with the term psychoanalytic psychotherapy . Professionally, also in Italy, psychotherapy is a specialty health reserved Doctors and Psychologists members of their professional associations and is achieved through a course at university graduate schools or in schools specialized private. Etymologically the word psychotherapy - "taking care of ' soul" - back to therapies of psyche made with tools such as psychological the word, the 'listening the thought the report, the purpose of the change aware of the psychological processes upon which the sick or the style of inadequate and often life characteristics by symptoms such as anxiety , depression, phobias , etc..
hope with all my heart that he was far concise and, above all, understandable, allow me time to further complicate things bringing not only the basic differences that separate from all other psychoanalytic therapy, but also the most significant ones that separate the other psychoanalytic practice.
To begin with I think it's important to know that while psychoanalytic therapies based on the assumption that the disorder - whatever it is - has its origins in the evolutionary development of our psyche, and therefore has a meaning and significance that we must understand if you really want to get rid of, not necessarily the case for most of the psychotherapies that are striving to address the symptom rather than apart from its origins and, therefore, necessarily, by any of its possible meaning.
This is not the place to feed sterile polemics, but it is important to know that no psychoanalyst while "attack" a symptom (albeit painful) while continuing to fulfill its role within the patient's mental equilibrium, it is not so for psychotherapy that attempts to free the patient from the symptom on the basis that it is an "accident" more or less occasionally intervened to disturb the mental life of the latter. For the sake of fairness it must be admitted that "cures" of this nature did take place (with a very substantial savings of time and money on the psychoanalytic path) ... remains to be seen - and will remain so forever - if the result is actually the best for later life (organic, psychological and moral) of the persons so treated. But on this, everyone is free to think as they please.
We are now living in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and try to imagine that, far from being in more or less given aspect of sexuality or the will to power, or even very different approach in the therapeutic setting, the various schools of psychoanalysis The main features of the polar opposites and anthropological presuppositions from which they start. Which, if you understand what I mean, you can not certainly be considered marginal.
So - just to name a few - though for the Classic Psychoanalysis (S. Freud) man is an animal that evolved has found it convenient to sacrifice his own instinct (dangerous but rewarding) to social organization (not very rewarding but more secure ), for Logotherapy (V. Frankl) or Psychosynthesis (R. Assagioli) instead, the man is a spiritual creature through the vicissitudes of life to reconnect to their Creator. Between these two extreme and opposing views if they are of course many intermediate, as depth psychology (CG Jung) sees a mysterious man in whose soul is lodged the ability to decipher the secret of its existence, or the same Bioenergetics (Lowen A.) see transpire in the functioning of the body a spiritual dimension with respect to the nature of which, however, takes no position .
I could go on - I hope it is obvious - but I prefer to stop here, hoping that these few extreme examples are sufficient to understand what may be essential to presuppose philosophical or, if you prefer, the worldview, from which all therapist takes the boot to help their patients. Regardless of the results obtained it will be decisive ... Always! Even in the unfortunate event that a therapist is considered emancipated from any philosophical assumption, because that would only tell him that those conditions still exist but they are unconscious. And even if today is the era of widespread ignorance, would not wish anyone to deal with a cognitive therapist to ignore the conditions that motivates his thoughts.
To complete the picture is taken into account one more thing: today the most honest and unscrupulous therapists share the view that the decisive factor for a cure is the quality of therapist-patient relationship. In other words, this would seem to repudiate all that so far I have tried to illustrate, referring "healing" is not much reference to the theory or technique used by the therapist, but rather to the "goodness" of the encounter between person and person.
In fact it is so (or, at least, this is also my belief). However, this does not alter the value to the specifications above, but rather reinforces it, showing how, in reality, psychological therapy can work only in so far as they are to match the profound life choices (theoretical and practical) and that of some other . In other words this means that each "meets" the Other who is really prepared to "meet" in disqualification of your function.
term because this breviary with an explicit invitation, if not help, choose carefully the therapist in which blood pouring difficulties unresolved. Choose them wisely, and if any parts are missing elements clearly go on, you talk about your instinct tells you whether to stay or run away like hell instead.
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