According Alejandro Sanchez, director of SEO-BirdLife , English representative of BirdLife International global network, <
The total population of Uriah the Iberian peninsula is composed of 10-25 pairs, 5-11 of them just in Spain in the affected area by the oil spill: Cape and Islands Sisargas Vilano, Coast of Death, 2 locations both protected by the European Union as part of the largest European network for biodiversity conservation network called Natura 2000. Since the beginning of the disaster are 12 specimens of Uriah those found dead and 40 hospitalized in rehabilitation centers.
Meanwhile, after the estimate released yesterday by SEO-BirdLife talking about 10-15 thousand birds killed by oil in Galicia of 302 birds found dead and 508 hospitalized recovery centers, bad news there's also the Balearic Berta, a species already under threat in Spain: the ecosystem in which species live has been seriously damaged by fuel leaked from the Prestige. <
For more information:
Alejandro Sanchez, tel. +34.69967330
Carles Carboneras, tel. +34.615454353
Antonio Sandoval, tel. +34.629448822
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